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What is Captain Tall Tale's Adventure Club? 

The goal of the club is to help members learn how to adventure safely in life by teaching them how to take self-responsibility. 

What is being taught?

The foundation programs of the club are: 

Step Into Adventure:

 Members learn basic skills to use in real life. 

Members will learn to journal, emotional management, leadership, get a better understanding of oneself, and much more.  

What are the appropriate ages of the programs?

Story time videos are great for all ages. 

The programs are best for 6 and up but there are many videos in the programs that are great for any age. 

The family program is meant for the family to join in together and can be great for any age when when the whole family joins in. 

Adults are encouraged to enjoy any program. 

It's made age appropriate for children but the programs have a lot of foundation knowledge for them to learn and grow as well. 

And it's entertaining even for an adult level. 

Who is Captain Tall Tale?

To get a better understanding of Captain Tall Tale watch the story that tells how he became tall. 

What is adventure?

To get a better understanding of Captain Tall Tale watch the story that tells how he became tall. 

Is the program dangerous?

To get a better understanding of Captain Tall Tale watch the story that tells how he became tall. 

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